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2011 | 03 | 4 |

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The modulation of verbal information as a factor stimulating conscious differentiation of kinaesthetic sensations in the aquatic environment

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This study aims to find a relationship between the amplitude and duration of verbal information, and a conscious reaction to the kinaesthetic learner.Research participants in this study consisted of 40 children from elementary school No. 1 in Swidnica (Poland). The group consisted of 16 boys and 24 girls. The respondents' age ranged from 9 to 10 years. Children regularly attended swimming classes 3 times a week for 45 minutes. The method used for the research was the laboratory experiment method, where the aim was to assess the level of differentiation of kinaesthetic sensations in the aquatic environment. Study participants had to perform 10 repetitions of force differentiation of their upper limb adduction movements, under the influence of water resistance felt on the surface of the palm of their hands. The task was to move from the slightest perceptible drag force of water (sensory threshold), through intermediate values to the maximum strength.The results confirmed the hypothesis that the intentional modulation of verbal information affects the level of conscious differentiation force in the aquatic environment. The magnitude of the force registered during the measurements significantly correlated with the intensity of the amplitude of individual words and their duration.The participants' conscious reactions were therefore a response to the teacher's intentional and planned actions. This issue is worth addressing in more detail in subsequent studies. Verbal information should be supplemented with suitably chosen content and then evaluated in terms of its effectiveness relating to the teaching process.

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  • Department of Physical Activity in the Aquatic Environment, Wroclaw University of Physical Education in Wroclaw, Al.Paderewskiego 35, 51-612 Wroclaw, Poland
  • Department of Physical Activity in the Aquatic Environment, Wroclaw University of Physical Education in Wroclaw, Poland
  • Department of Physical Activity in the Aquatic Environment, Wroclaw University of Physical Education in Wroclaw, Poland


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