The aim of this paper is to present the properties of soils and topography conditions of Norway spruce forests growing on the limestone (Polysticho−Piceetum) in the upper part of the lower montane zone. The study was conducted in the Tatra Mts. (southern Poland) on six study plots reflecting the living conditions of spruce forest on limestone. On each plot the topography conditions were described, soil pits were dug and samples for laboratory analysis were collected. The following characteristics were determined in the soil samples: pH, the content of C and N, particle size, the content of Ca, Mg, Na and K, exchangeable acidity, aluminum content and hydrolityc acidity. For each study plot the stand characteristics were measured (diameter at breast height and height). The Soil Trophic Index for mountain areas (SIGg) was calculated on the basis of <0.02 mm fraction content, the sum of exchangeable base cations, soil acidity and the total content of N and C organic in the humus−mineral horizon. Polysticho−Piceetum stands in the upper part of the lower zone between 1000 and 1200 m above sea level developed in the unique geomorphological and geological conditions. They covered very shallow weathered fragments of limestone or steep slopes with fine−grained scree of carbonate rocks. Rendzic Hyperskeletic Leptosols (Humic) and Calcaric Lithic Leptosol are soils typical for analysed spruce stands. Character of site was reflected in the SIGg values that ranged between 15 and 20. The moder−mull and tangel−mor humus type was found on the majority of the investigated plots. Low fertility of soil was confirmed by the site index of analysed stands (IVth and Vth class).