Hypocalcaemia is a decrease in calcium (Ca) concentration in blood and bodily fluids. It occurs in various forms, most often during the perinatal period. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of various forms of hypocalcaemia on the function of the liver, kidneys and pancreas in dairy cows during the period from 4 to 12 weeks after parturition, and to optimise the prevention and treatment of the condition in this period. The cows were subjected to clinical examination and biochemical blood analysis, including the levels of Ca, total bilirubin, urea, creatinine, ALT, AST, GGTP and amylase. On the basis of clinical abnormalities and laboratory results, the animals were divided into the following groups: I – clinical hypocalcaemia, II – subclinical hypocalcaemia or atypical symptoms, III – physiological hypocalcaemia, IV – normocalcaemic cows. In group I, a statistically significant increase in bilirubin, GGTP and creatinine concentrations was observed. However, after treatment, the functional parameters of the parenchymal organs were only slightly higher than in group II (subclinical hypocalcaemia), in which no treatment was implemented. In Groups I and II, pharmacological support of the liver function and monitoring of the renal function were initiated after completion of the tests. In the group of cows with physiological hypocalcaemia, changes in the studied parameters were observed, especially in GGTP. In group IV, the parameters were normal. The findings concerning cows with hypocalcaemia during the highest milk production period, suggest that it is advisable to perform tests and prevent deficiencies in order to avoid disorders during the next perinatal period and lactation.