Background: The evaluation of physical activity level of scientists and determining factors which influence the physical activity. Getting to know the characteristics of the group and observing its behavior can lead to pro-healthy campaign. Material/Methods: Research was conducted on 301 Warsaw scientific institutes employees (NIPH-NIH - 82 persons, IMWM - 50 persons, IPPLM - 39 persons, BRI - 50 persons NFNI - 80 persons). A questionnaire was applied. Analysis was made with the usage of SPSS v. 17. In accordance with WHO classifications, the interviewed were divided into active (n=162) and non-active (n=139). The active group consisted of persons with a high and average level of physical activity and the non-active group was made of persons who had a low level of physical activity or did not do any exercises. The log-line analysis served to evaluate the relationship between physical activity and various variables. The chi-squared test was used to find significant differences in analysis. Results: Low level of physical activity was characteristic of half of the interviewed scientists (NIPH-NIH - 48.8%, IMWM - 32.0%, IPPLM - 38.5%, BRI - 32.0% and NFNI - 93.8%). Scientists from NFNI have 30 times stronger risk of having physical activity level insufficient in order to maintain good health condition. The questioned men have a double chance to be active persons. Regular participation in recreation (OR 2.43) and a high level of tourism activity (OR 2.38) diminish twice as much the risk of being non-active. Conclusions: The Warsaw scientific institutes employees cannot serve as an example for the rest of the society.