Cystic ovarian disease (COD) is one of the serious fertility disorders in cattle. Being conditioned by the hereditary predisposition and external factors, the disease is a frequent cause of infertility (1, 12). Intensive selection for high milk yields favours the incidence of COD, if adequate nutritional conditions are neglected. This assumption is confirmed by our (30) and other authors' (20) observations. It seemed purposeful to undertake systematic investigations on the incidence rate of COD in cattle, and of factors influencing it. As there were only a few studies in which several therapeutic methods were compared simultaneously, and no systematic investigations in this respect were carried out in Poland, studies on the effectiveness od various treatment methods were accomplished at the same time. As can be seen from the review of the literature, opinions as to the treatment of the disease are not uniform, and even in some cases they are discrepant (11, 15, 22, 37).