Calretinin (CR) as a buffer and sensor protein plays an important role in regulatory processes of Ca²⁺ and anty-apoptotic cellular protection. In the present study, immunohistochemical peroxidase- antiperoxidase (PAP) method was used in order to determine the numbers, morphology, morphometry and distribution pattern of CR in neurons of the chinchilla’s claustrum (Cl) and endopiriform nucleus (EN). In Cl and EN the presence of several classes of neurons with different immunoreactivity to CR was found. In Cl, CR-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were predominantly found in close vicinity to insular border while CR-IR neurons were evenly scattered throughout EN. In general, immunoreaction to CR was observed in neuronal cytoplasm, nucleus and in fibres-like nerve extensions. Statistical analysis showed the differences between average large diameter as well as cross-sectional area of CR-IR neurons present in Cl and EN. It is suggested, that CR acting as a calcium binding protein may play a role in neuronal network. Further co-localization studies are necessary to fully elucidate neurophysiology and neuropathology of the chinchilla’s Cl and EN neurons.