The phenomenon of the solid phase separation with the Coanda Effect separator was discovered by Henry Coanda in 1914 and a mathematical formula was presented by Albert Metral in 1934. The phenomenon, which was observed as attraction of the fluid jet to a nearby surface, was used by the Swedish in 1990 for the construction of a separator, named the Aquatron 90. Laboratory analyses of the solid phase separation with the Aquatron 90 were conducted at the Agricultural University in Krakow 2006-07. The research was performed using a half-technical scale on the fully-measured station equipped with an Aquatron 90 separator. The efficiency of separation was obtained and measured as 96.24% at the fall of the input pipe (i) equal 2%. The results were then statistically analyzed using JVT Statistica 6.0 software. The one-component analysis results were presented through score estimation and multi-componential methods. The conclusion was subsequently developed from these findings.