The main objective of this study is to carry out a complex economic analysis of organic manure application. Researches were carried for years 2010-2015. Organic manure, a by-product of animal husbandry, is one of the oldest and most valuable materials in agriculture. The primary purpose of using organic manure is to improve soil fertility. Since the 90s, Hungary has been facing changes in the ownership of agricultural ventures, the number of big farms decreased and the amount of livestock was reduced in the main sectors of animal husbandry. Hungary, as a member of the European Union, has to conform to the current environmental protection regulations which also refer to the disposal of organic manure that can only be performed if significant investments are made. It can be concluded that the economic efficiency of organic manure application is primarily determined by transport distance and the specific transport method. In addition, the establishment of manure containers can be considered to be unproductive investments which affect the economic efficiency of using organic manure negatively.
Głównym celem artykułu jest kompleksowa ocena ekonomiczna stosowania obornika na Węgrzech. Badania dotyczyły lat 2010-2015. Stwierdzono, że efektywność ekonomiczna stosowania nawozu organicznego zależy przede wszystkim od sposobu transportu i odległości na jaka jest transportowany. Ponadto wykazano, że tworzenie płyt obornikowych może być uznane za inwestycję nieopłacalną, która negatywnie wpływa na efektywność ekonomiczną użycia nawozów organicznych.