Firing rate of the majority of cells from superficial layers of cat’s superior colliculus (SC) is modulated in relatively long time scale. Such changes in spike generation do not depend on presented visual stimuli. To investigate whether these modulations of firing rate are related to changes in cortical states we analyzed visually evoked activity of SC neurons and electrocorticogram (ECoG) simultaneously recorded from the occipital lobe. The extracellular single unit activity was recorded from superficial, retinorecipient layers of the SC in anaesthetized and paralyzed cats. The level of anaesthesia was kept constant during recordings. As a visual stimulus we used light spot moving with different, randomly selected velocities. On average, each neuron was recorded continuously for 1 hour. Simultaneously we recorded ECoG from contralateral area 18 close to representation of the area centralis. The power spectra of ECoG data were calculated using fast Fourier transform in sliding windows. The firing rate of a given neuron was calculated in the same time windows and then correlated with the power in a given frequency band of ECoG. Most of the observed firing rate modulations were on the time scale from several to tens of minutes and were positively or negatively correlated with the changes in ECoG power in the band between 0.5 to 8 Hz, sometimes even to 13 Hz. For some neurons we also observed correlations between firing rate and power in the beta band (13 – 30 Hz) of ECoG and in most cases those correlations were opposite to correlations in lower bands. Rarely we observed also the relation between firing rate and the power of gamma band. Fast modulations of firing rate were not correlated with changes of ECoG power in any band. These results show that responsiveness of particular subpopulations of collicular neurons is differently related to the global state of brain activity. Supported by Polish MSHE grant N N303 070234.