Studies identifying specific pathologically expressed genes have been performed on diseased myocardial tissue samples, however less invasive studies on gene expression of peripheral blood mononucleated cells give promising results. This study assessed transcriptomic data that may be used to evaluate Dachshunds with chronic mitral valve disease. Dachshunds with different stages of heart disease were compared to a control, healthy group. Microarray data analysis revealed clusters of patients with similar expression profiles. The clusters were compared to the clinical classification scheme. Unsupervised classification of the studied groups showed three clusters. Clinical and laboratory parameters of patients from the cluster 1 were in accordance with those found in patients without heart disease. Data obtained from patients from the cluster 3 were typical of advanced heart failure patients. Comparison of the cluster 1 and 3 groups revealed 1133 differentially expressed probes, 7 significantly regulated process pathways and 2 significantly regulated Ariadne Metabolic Pathways. This study may serve as a guideline for directing future research on gene expression in chronic mitral valve disease.