The Warsaw Museum and Institute of Zoology contains an important collection of Coleoptera Brentidae. This material includes many types of species described by Richard Kleine, one of the most famous brentid specialists, whose collection, before the second World War, was held in Stettin. In our study of the collection, we designated lectotypes for the following species: Baryrhynchus (Eupsalomimus) schroederi Kleine, 1914; Corporaalia baryrrhynchoides Kleine, 1921; Gyalostoma jucundum Kleine, 1914; Spatherhinus grandis Kleine, 1914; Eupsalithopsis spatherinoides Kleine, 1914; Amorphocephala intermedia Kleine, 1918; Cerobates (Cerobates) aequalis Kleine, 1922; Hypomiolispa bickhardti Kleine, 1918; Hypomiolispa dentigena Kleine, 1918; Hypomiolispa rugosa Kleine, 1918; Miolispa adversaria Kleine, 1922; Miolispa nigricollis Kleine, 1919; Paratrachelizus afflictus Kleine, 1922; Leptocymatium observans Kleine, 1941; Thaumastopsis separata Kleine, 1941; Heterothesis elegans Kleine, 1914.