The primary symptom in Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive disorder of motor functions. Despite constant pharmacological treatment, the patient’s daily functioning ability diminishes, leading to deterioration in the quality of life. Clinical and experimental studies show that systematic use of physical exercise delays the build-up of motor impairments in Parkinson’s disease by prolonging patients’ functional independence and thereby improving their quality of life. Systematic physical activity, such as resistance, balance, and stretching exercises (elements of aerobics, Nordic walking, dance, tai chi, or the use of Taijiquan martial arts), is considered as possibly useful therapy in symptomatic treatment of PD. In this paper, based on available literature, it was shown that thanks to appropriately selected Taijiquan techniques (Chinese martial arts and movement) can significantly improve the quality of life of people with PD, improve their mobility, and hence reduce the incidence of falls. However, it should be remembered that it could only be part of therapy, in the prevention and treatment of PD symptoms, and not create it. Access to the literature of the subject, which is largely in Chinese, may constitute a limitation of this study.