The aim of this study was to determine the effect of soil’s fertilizer on the formation of biomass of aboveground parts of Festulolium braunii. Rings with a 36 cm diameter and a 40 cm high was embed on a depth of 30 cm and was filled with soil material. Then, to each rings were seeded eight seeds of tested grass species. It was the following combinations of fertilizer: Control-no fertilizer, NPK – the annual doses of 0.6 g N ring–1, 0.25 g of P2O5 ring–1 and 0.9 g K2O ring–1, UG – soil’s fertilizer at a dose of 3.7 cm3 ring–1 as a 0.25% solution, UG + NPK – in the combined doses as for the combination „NPK” and „UG”. Full period, of three movings use of experimental objects was in years: 2008, 2009 and 2010. Detailed study included: aboveground biomass yield (g DM ring–1), the number of shoots (no ring–1), leaf length (cm), width of leaf base (mm), leaf greenness index (SPAD). Regardless of study years, combining of mineral fertilization with soil’s fertilizer, resulted in a significant increase of dry matter yield of plants, relative to control objects as well as to suppled only with soil’s fertilizer or mineral fertilization. The largest number of shoots, leaf length and width of their base as well as the highest values of SPAD occurred on the objects with soil’s fertilizer used together with mineral fertilization.