Desertification is one of the most serious environmental problems on a global scale. China suffers from desertification over large areas. Landscape boundaries profoundly influence the structure and function of landscapes, and influence ecological processes both locally and over large scales. Data on soil properties and vegetation collected on three 110 km parallel transects across sandy land-steppe transition zone in Yanchi county, Ningxia region, northwestern China, were used to analyze changes along the sandy land/steppe boundary by using the Moving Split Window (MSW), to determine desertification dynamics, and to explore changes of vegetation and soil properties among different desertification degree. Combining the dissimilarity profiles of soil particle size with importance value (IV) of vegetation, four boundaries were detected along transects. According to the four boundaries, we divided the whole sandy land/steppe ecotone area into five desertification categories: potential desertification (PD), light desertification (LD), medium desertification (MD), severe desertification (SD) and extreme desertification (ED). Sand fractions increased, while silt and clay fractions, soil organic C, total N and available N decreased and exhibited clear gradient changes from the potential desertification land to the extreme desertification land. All areas we studied have been desertificated at different degree based upon soil particle compositions at different depths. With the aggravation of sandy desertification, the steppe species dominating in the potential desertification land gradually gave place to arid and sand tolerant perennials and therophytes and eventually to psammophyte annuals and shrubs in the extreme desertification land.