Background: The study aimed to determine differences between retrospective attitudes of adults towards the assessment system in PE in the former Soviet Republic of Lithuania (SRL) according to gender, education, age, and physical activity. Material and methods: Randomised and cross-over study design. The research sample comprised 1,115 participants (510 male and 605 female, 524 35–45 years old 591 46–55 years old; 603 with secondary education and 512 with university education) representing the population of the Republic of Lithuania. Results: 35–45-year-old participants displayed more positive attitudes towards the suitability of assessment in PE in the former SRL and attitudes towards the influence of assessment on motivation to enjoyment than 46–55-year-old participants, but 46–55-year-old participants reported higher scores of attitudes towards the social characteristics of assessment by an individual and a teacher and attitudes towards the influence of assessment on physical activity than younger participants. Conclusions: AThis study revealed significant differences in retrospective attitudes of 35–45-year-old and 46–55-yearold adults towards the assessment system in physical education in the former SRL. Retrospective attitudes of participants towards the assessment system in PE in the former SRL differed also with respect to educational level.