Volodymyr Dal East-Ukrainian National University, Lugansk, Ukraine
1. Ramazanov S., 2008: Instruments of ecologic-economical control by the enterprise. Yugo-Vostok, Donets’k: 351.
2. Ramazanov S., 2004: Models of ecologic-economical control of production systems in the unstable environment. ENU, Lugans’k: 384.
3. Ramazanov S., Pripoten V., 2006: Methods and information technologies of control by the enterprise in unstable conditions, ENU, Lugans’k: 216.
4. Ramazanov S., Nadyon G., Kryshtal N. et al, 2009: Innovation technologies of the antirecessionary control of economic systems. ENU, Lugans’k – Kyiv: 584.
5. Voronkova A., Kozachenko A., Ramazanov S.,et. al, 2007: Modern technologies of control of the enterprise. Libra, Kyiv: 254.