At the end of February 1959, during the second phase of the influenza pandemie in Poland, a number of quite atypical cases were observed in the Kłodzko district. On 7 March the first case of trichinellosis was diagnosed and very exact epidemiological investigations were immediately taken up which, however, were made difficult by the influenza epidemie. 378 cases of trichinellosis were diagnosed and 70 dubious cases established. They originated mainly from 3 places as well as from many other ones the contact of which with the first three places was established. 904 patients from the whole country stayed at this time in the sanatoria of the Kłodzko district but it was not yet possible to get data about any trichinellosis cases in this group, except 2 reports from Lódź and Wrocław. The detailed epidemiological investigations carried out are described, due to which the source of the infection could be established: It was raw sausage ("metka"), produced on the 30 January and in a quantity of 191 kg distributed to a number of places. As in the establishmetns of meat products all swine slaughtered are submitted to trichinoscopy, the imperfect method of trichinoscopy might be considered the reason of the epidemie.