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2016 | 160 | 09 |

Tytuł artykułu

Metody optymalizacji wieku dojrzałości rębnej drzewostanów z punktu widzenia wiązania węgla

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Optimization methods of the rotation age from the point of view of carbon sequestration

Języki publikacji



The determination of the age at which a stand reaches harvest maturity is one of the most important decision−making problems in the forest management. The method of determining the rotation age depends primarily on the objectives and management practices (e.g. timber production, carbon sequestration), which determine the optimal age of trees for felling. The paper includes the methodological basis of optimization of the rotation age of stands due to the maximization of the accumulation of carbon in the aboveground woody biomass of forest trees. The research method involves two variants of calculating the optimal rotation age: grouping the stands by site class (W−1) and grouping the stands by management method (W−2). For each of the variants four data processing methods were used to optimize the rotation age of stands: allometric formulas (I−1), formulas for the calculation of the aboveground woody biomass (I−2), information on wood density (I−3), and IPCC method (I−4). The study assumes that the optimal rotation age from the point of view of maximizing the rate of carbon accumulation is when the value of increment in the average aboveground woody biomass production S(t)/(t) equals to the value of the current increment in this biomass production – ΔS. At this age, the standing volume R(t) and the volume of carbon stored in the growing stock Ww was calculated. The optimization method is analogous in all variants and approaches. The proposed method of optimizing the felling age of stands is illustrated on the example of Scots pine stands in 1 st site class (variant W−1, approach I−4). The 2014 data from the Information System of the State Forests were used for the calculations. The results (fig.) indicate that due to the maximization of the rate of carbon accumulation, the optimum rotation age for the Scots pine in 1st site class is 56 years. At that age the stand was characterized by the standing volume R(t) of about 305 m³/ha. The total carbon accumulation S(t) before this age was 85 t/ha.









Opis fizyczny



  • Zakład Zarządzania Zasobami Leśnymi, Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, ul.Braci Leśnej 3, 05-090 Raszyn
  • Zakład Zarządzania Zasobami Leśnymi, Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Sękocin Stary, ul.Braci Leśnej 3, 05-090 Raszyn


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