W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki badań wykonanych w styczniu, lutym i marcu 2004 roku wśród 174 rolników współpracujących z ośrodkami doradztwa rolniczego w województwie kujawsko-pomorskim. Poznano opinie na temat integracji Polski z Unią Europejską. Badania wykonano przed włączeniem Polski w struktury UE, stąd wielu rolników wyrażało obawy ale też i pewne nadzieje związane z przyszłą sytuacją ich samych oraz Polski.
In the article there have been presented results of a survey performed in January, February and March 2004 on 174 farmers cooperating with agricultural extension centers in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Province. The purpose of the examinations was to get familiar with the opinions offarmers on the issue of Integration with the European Union. The survey was performed before the official accession to the E. U. structures, thus many farmers expressed their fears but also hopes connected with the future situation of Poland and themselves once it enters the Union. Their fears mainly concerned competitiveness of the Polish agriculture in comparison with the western countries, food prices, further impoverishment of rural areas and social inequality increase. Expected changes included migration of youth from villages as well as from Poland in result of travel procedure simplification and the desire to improve the quality of life under the influence of European living standards. Most respondents realized the necessity of improving their qualifications after the integration. Most farmers did not expect increase in wages or unemployment reduction.