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2014 | 21 | 4 |

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Physical fields during construction and operation of wind farms by example of Polish maritime areas

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The article discusses an important issue of technical pressure exerted on the marine environment during construction and operation of maritime wind farms (MFW) on waters of the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone. A motivation for analysing this issue is the need for attracting attention to the aspect of physical field modification as the factor which links large scale technical activity at sea with the existence and functioning of the marine ecosystem, including further consequences to its economic benefits. Based on current knowledge and authors’ analyses, the scale of modifications (disturbances) of physical fields expected to take place during MFW construction and operation was assessed

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  • Gdynia Maritime University, 81-87 Morska St., 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
  • National Marine Fisheies Research Institute, Gdynia, Poland


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