Postural control after applying perturbation involves neural and muscular efforts to limit the center of mass (CoM) motion. Linear dynamical approaches may not unveil all complexities of body efforts. This study was aimed at determining two nonlinear dynamics parameters (fractal dimension (FD) and largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE)) in addition to the linear standing metrics of balance in perturbed stance. Sixteen healthy young males were subjected to sudden rotations of the standing platform. The vision and cognition during the standing were also interfered. Motion capturing was used to measure the lower limb joints and the CoM displacements. The CoM path length as a linear parameter was increased by elimination of vision (p<0.01) and adding a cognitive load (p<0.01). The CoM nonlinear metric FD was decreased due to the cognitive loads (p<0.001). The visual interference increased the FD of all joints when the task included the cognitive loads (p<0.01). The slightly positive LLE values showed weakly‑chaotic behavior of the whole body. The local joint rotations indicated higher LLEs. Results indicated weakly chaotic response of the whole body. Increase in the task difficulty by adding sensory interference had difference effects on parameters. Linear and nonlinear metrics of the perturbed stance showed that a combination of them may properly represent the body behavior.
Department of Biomechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology, Tabriz, Iran
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