The yield quantity and quality depend on genetic factors, cultivation system and environmental conditions. Growth conditions can be improved by mulching the soil with plastic and biodegradable materials. A 2-factor experiment was conducted in 2011–2013 in the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. The method of random blocks in 3 repetitions was applied. The aim of the study was to compare the yielding of tomato cultivars: Awizo F1, Brixol F1 and Polonaise F1 on synthetic mulches: transparent, black and white polyethylene film (0.05 mm thick), on black polypropylene nonwoven of the mass of 60 g·m-2, and on biodegradable film BioAgri, 0.025 mm thick. Significant differences were observed in the quantity of marketable tomato yield in particular years of the experiment. In most favorable year 2012, the yield was by 26% and 56% larger, as compared to other years. The marketable yield of Awizo F1 cultivar was higher, on average by 33.1% and 64.7%, than in the case of Brixol F1 and Polonaise F1. The plants mulched with polyethylene and biodegradable film revealed a tendency to a higher yields as compared to those cultivated on nonwoven or without any mulches.