Isolated in Poland strains of parainfluenza — 3 wirus (PI-3), Bovid herpesvirus 1 (BHV 1) and bovine adenovirus serotype 2 (Adeno 2) attenuated and propagated on the calf tissue kidney cells (HKNC) were used to produce an uninactivated and inactivated with formalin and aluminium hydroxide (5%) vaccines used in calves. The exminations performed on 55 calves at the age of 16—20 weeks (5 animals in each group) showed that the used vaccines were completely safe. In laboratory studies good immunogenic properties (acceleration of phagocytosis and reduction of the NBT by the PMN’S and a specific humoral immune response) were achieved. Due to a high immunogenicity the examined strains may be used to produce a very effective monovalent and polyvalent vaccines against viral infections observed commonly in calves in Poland.