In the case of rural areas, the strategy of multifunctional development proposed most often is one identifying such development with an improvement in local people's lives and work. In Wielkopolska, rural areas are highly-diversified spatially, in relation to the intensiveness at which agriculture is organised, to agrarian structure and to other economic and socio-cultural functions. The strategy for the development of Wielkopolska voivodship does not identify agriculture in a specific way, treating it as one of the economic activities pursued in rural areas. The spatial structure of rural areas and agriculture is presented in 3 variants, applying different methods of delimitation. The level of intensiveness of agriculture is presented in line with a division method other than that of K. Kopeć. Such a methodological approach influences the slralegfic actions, objectives and results, since these are linked with the spatial structure of rural areas. The strategic developmental objectives for agriculture and rural areas in Wielkopolska correspond with priorities adopted for Poland as a whole. The strategy for the development of the voivodship attaches a preference to the multifunctional development of rural areas, something indicative of a trend towards a reduced role for agriculture. It assumes that the development of agriculture will he first and foremost associated with those areas that have supported agriculture of above-average efficiency up to now.