Optimization of the impact multi-mass vibration absorbers. The problem of attaching dynamic vibration absorber (DVA) to a discrete multi-degree-of-freedom or continuous structure has been outlined in many papers and monographs. An impact damping system can overcome some limitations by impact as the damping medium and impact mass interaction as the damping mechanism. The paper contemplates the provision of DVA with the several of the impact masses. Such originally designed absorbers reduce vibration selectively in maximum vibration mode without introducing vibration in other modes. An impact damper is a passive control device which takes the form of a freely moving mass, constrained by stops attached to the structure under control, i.e. the primary structure. The damping results from the exchange of momentum during impacts between the mass and the stops as the structure vibrates. The paper contemplates the provision of the impact multi-mass DVA’s with masses collisions for additional damping. For some cases of DVA optimization such a design seems more effective than conventional multi-mass DVA with independent mass moving. A technique is developed to give the optimal DVA’s for the elimination of excessive vibration in harmonic stochastic and impact loaded systems.