The aim of this study was to describe a case of hair lost and skin changes due to Scopulariopsis brevicaulis infection a dead goat and a sick kid, and to determine effective treatments. At the macroscopic examination, both goat hair loss and skin lesions of varying size were seen along the body of the animals. Microscopically, arthrospor was seen in the hair and skin samples. In parasitological examination, no parasites were observed in the skin and hair. Pure cultures of Scopulariopsis brevicaulis were isolated from skin and hair samples in Sabouraud dextrose agar with penicillin and streptomycin. The infection in the kid was successfully treated by itraconazole (100 mg/kg, daily, for 6 weeks) and D-biotin (twice 0.1 mg/kg i.m., at 1-week interval).