1990 r. zapoczątkował proces transformacji gospodarki centralnie planowanej do wolnorynkowej. Gospodarstwa rolnicze w Polsce znalazły się w trudnej sytuacji, dochody uzyskiwane zaczęły zmniejszać się. Z badań wynikało, że około 30% gospodarstw ma szansę przetrwania i rozwoju, natomiast minimalna powierzchnia gospodarstw umożliwiająca ich rozwój to 20 ha użytków rolnych.
In the 1990 the process of transformation from central plan economics to free market economics has began in Poland. Polish farms found themselves in difficult situation. Profits from farms were not enough to let them outlast. That«s why part ofpeople had to look for diferent jobs. In this publication it was showed the situation of farms in comunity Sokoły. Results of research are that about 30% of farms has chances of outlasting and developing, 40% does not have successor. The minimal area of farm that has profit comparable to diferent job then faarming is 20 ha. Actually the help of government for farm could be guaranted prices. At that time polish agriculture will be comparable to the agriculture of European Union countries.