Eutrophication is still one of the most important, world – wide problems of surface waters. During last decades there is the increasing demand for effective methods of monitoring systems based on biotic indices. For practical application, the monitoring tools must satisfy certain requirements: (1) sampling should be quick and easy; (2) indices should be straightforward to calculate. The aim of the study was to test the usefulness of rotifer abundance and species composition as indicators of trophic state of lakes. Data on rotifer densities and taxonomic composition were collected in 41 dimictic and 33 polymictic lakes situated in northeastern Poland. The samples were taken once a year, during the summer stagnation period at 1 m intervals from the surface to the bottom of the epilimnion layer in thermally stratified lakes and from the surface to the bottom of shallow lakes. The data were used to estimate the relationship between the rotifer community structure and the indices of trophic state of lakes (TSI), like concentration of chlorophyll a and Secchi’s disc visibility, (as the estimator of suspended particulate material in the water) calculated according to Carlson (1977) and widely used recently. The estimations were made separately for dimictic and polymictic lakes. However, regressions for the relationships between the trophic state of lakes based on mean values for Secchi’s disc (TSISD ) and chlorophyll a content (TSICHL ) and rotifer indices for both groups of lakes, usually were not different. Thus the same regression equations may be used for both dimictic and polymictic lakes. The following formulas for rotifer TSI index (TSIROT) were found: (1) rotifer numbers (N, ind. L-1): TSIROT1 = 5.38 Ln(N) + 19.28; (2) total biomass of rotifer community (B, mg w.wt. L-1): TSIROT2 = 5.63 Ln(B) + 64.47; (3) percentage of bacterivores in total rotifer numbers (BAC, %): TSIROT3 = 0.23 BAC+ 44.30; (4) ratio of biomass to numbers (B:N, mg w.wt. ind.-1): TSIROT4 = 3.85 (B:N)-0.318; (5) percentage of the tecta form in the population of Keratella cochlearis (TECTA, %): TSIROT5 = 0.198 TECTA + 48.8 for dimictic lakes and TSIROT5 = 0.144 TECTA + 54.8 for polymictic ones; (6) contribution of species which indicate high trophic state in the indicatory group’s numbers (IHT, %): TSIROT6 = 0.203 IHT + 40.0. It was assumed that the lakes with a TSIROT under 45 are mesotrophic, those with a TSIROT value of 45–55 are meso-eutrophic, 55–65 - eutrophic and those with a TSIROT above 65 - hypertrophic. The formulas may be useful in preparing similar indices for lakes in central and northern Europe.