The aim of the study was to evaluate the incidence of the abnormal blood values of nonestrified fatty acids (NEFA), glucose, and aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT) in cows after parturition, as well as a retrospective analysis of the culling and fertility in groups of cows characterised by increased values of NEFA and/or AspAT. The study involved 164 dairy cows (primiparas and multiparas) with a milk yield of 6,800 to 8,804 kg/305 days of lactation. The control group included cows with an NEFA concentration <500 µEq/L and AspAT activity <106 IU/L. Group A only consisted of cows with NEFA≥500, group B of cows with AspAT activity ≥106 IU/L, and group C of animals with higher values in both these indices. The greatest number of cows subject to early culling came from the groups B and C (84% in total). The group B had the highest index of culling due to infertility (50%), as well as general culling (72%). The most unfavourable prognosis concerned the cows, which demonstrated an increase in the AspAT concentration without any apparent intensification of lipolysis.