Will the hydrological flow regime of rivers be transformed as a result of global climate change, assuming physical-geographical properties of catchments to be permanent? An answer to this question was sought by way of comparison of the behaviour patterns of a river (its discharge structure in the normal yearly cycle) in real conditions defined on the basis of an observation series from the years 1961-1990 (scenario 0) and in the conditions of the assumed climate change (scenarios GFDL and GISS). The assessment of changes in the regime was made in the quantitative and qualitative terms. Three rivers were chosen for the analysis: the Rega, the Utrata and the Soła, whose catchments lie in the different physical-geographical regions of Poland, in order to gain an insight into the direction and intensity of changes also at a regional scale. The results obtained colaborate the impact of the global climate change on the rivers, both at the mesoscale of Poland and the regional scale. The total annual discharge may change significantly (table 1), either by going up, according to the GISS scenario, or going down, according to the GFDL scenario. The transformation of the discharge rhythm may manifest itself in a shift in the stages of discharge while maintaining its seasonality, and in a change in its magnitude in the particular seasons (e.g., the lowering of the level of base flows and their lengthening, mainly in mountain and lowland rivers, as well as restricted and greatly reduced meltwater floods).