Sexual behavior of male rats is well described type of appetitive behavior. This behavior is described by at least five independent factors: anticipatory, initiation, copulatory rate, hit rate and intromission count. Each factor has specific neuronal networks. The aim of our study was to analyze which factor is the most informative to describe sexual deficit in rats with depressive like syndrome. We investigate 6–8 month old WAG/Rij rats with absent epilepsy commodity with moderate depression and compare sexual behavior with control Crl:Han Wistar and Sprague-Dawley males. Sexually naïve WAG/Rij rats started to copulation less frequently (only 6 from 20 display mounting) compare to Crl:Han Wistar (6 from 6) and Sprague-Dawley (4 from 6). Sexually experienced WAG/Rij rats displayed longer mount latency (initiation factor) compare to both control strains. Surprisingly, sexually experienced WAG/Rij rats vocalized very intensively at 50-kHz band during five minutes before introduction of female. This anticipatory precontact vocalizations did not correlate with initiation of copulation. Latency to initiation of copulation (initiation factor) seems to be the most sensitive parameter describing depressive like syndrome during male rat sexual behavior and seems to be useful to investigation depressive disorders. It correspond to lower libido in men depressive patients.