Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) are a family of highly glycosylated cell surface proteins located at the plasma membrane and plant cell wall. AGPs play important roles in plant growth and development. Yariv phenylglycoside (βGlcY), synthetic red-brown dye that specifically binds and precipitates AGPs, has been used for detection and quantification of AGPs in plant tissue. Graded concentrations of βGlcY (0–75 μM) were used to investigate the effect of this synthetic dye on induction of in vitro morphogenesis in Centaurium erythraea root culture on two nutrient media: ½MS and ½MS + IBA 1.0 μM. Regeneration of C. erythraea shoots on root explants was stimulated on both media supplemented with 25 μM βGlcY after 8 weeks in culture. Quantification of AGPs in different tissues of C. erythraea was determinate with single radial diffusion method. This work emphasizes clear effect of βGlcY on induction of morphogenesis in vitro in C. erythraea root culture.