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Zastosowanie izotopu Cs-137 do oceny erozji gleby na Pojezierzu Suwalskim


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Soil erosion assessment using Cs-137 radionuclide in the Suwalki Lakeland

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The aim of studies was the recognition of the contemporary denudation considering tillage translocation and water soil erosion. This study was performed in the typical last glacial relief. The Cs-137 inventory was analysed along two hillslope profiles and at their footslopes. The value of soil erosion and sedimentation was calculated using the proportional model and the simplified mass balance model. Studies showed that eroded soil from upper and middle segments of the slopes was re-deposited on concave segments of the slopes. The erosion rate was 0.5-1.6 mm on the top of hills and 0.8-3.2 mm on their slopes. The deposition occurs on the concave slope at rate of 3.8-6.6 mm per year on average. Erosion-deposition balance indicate that the small part of eroded soil was exported to the valley bottom and bottom of depression. The share of the water rill and interrill erosion in the total of topsoil erosion is range from 1 to 10% depending on used model. Tillage translocation is the main process shaped a small hills in the last glacial ares.






Opis fizyczny



  • Wydział Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych, Uniwersytet Warszawski w Warszawie, Warszawa


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