On the basis of the data in the literature the authors discuss toxoplasmosis of cats. Next they describe the attempt to infect 4 cats with toxoplasmosis. The cats No. 1and 2 were infected subcutaneously with the strain MC - 12 (about 15 millions of toxoplasmas), the cat No. 3 was kept without infection from the cats No. 1 and 2, but the cat No. 4 was infected with the strain RH (about 15 millions of toxoplasmas) intraperitoneally. Clinical symptoms were observed only in the cats No. 1and 2, after 2 to 3 days they became saddened, lost appetite and became dull. In the cat No. 1 these symptoms retreated after 5 days, and the cat No. 2 died on the 8th day following the infection. Postmortem examinations revealed catarrhal inflammation of the lungs and alimentary tract. Biological tests (passages on mice) revealed the presence of the toxoplasmas. Serological tests in all the examined cats gave negative results.