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2007 | 42 | 1 |

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Mycological monitoring in the Hungarian Biodiversity Monitoring System

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The results of a mycological monitoring, carried out from 2001 until 2003 in two forest reserves (in the Bükk and the mecsek mountains) within the frame of a project of the Hungarian Biodiversity monitoring System (HBmS) aiming to monitor forest reserves and managed forests, are presented. Standard sampling method had to be developed and methods of data analysis (a so-called protocol) had to be elaborated for monitoring activities









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  • Department of Botany and Plant Production, University Kaposvar, Guba S. 40, H-7400 Kapsovar, Hungary
  • Department of Botany, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Szent Istvan University, Rottenbiller 50, H-1077 Budapest, Hungary
  • State Secretariat of Nature and Environment Protection, Ministry of Environment and Water, Fo u. 44-50, H-1011 Budapest, Hungary


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