The studies were carried out on the maize crops grown in monoculture in 2004-2005 on two experimental fields at Łosiów and Wronów in Opole region, Poland. From the aphid mummies collected at both sites secondary parasitoids of the families Pteromalidae, Cynipidae, Megaspilidae, and Encyrtidae were reared. In spring and early summer of 2004, the most abundant were the species of Pteromalidae, with the eudominating species Asaphes suspensus NEES. At the same time of the next year the dominant species were Dendrocerus carpenteri (CURTIS) (Megaspilidae) and Phaenoglyphis villosa (HARTIG) (Charipidae: Alloxistinae). In autumn, the secondary parasitoids occurred only in the second year of the study, 2005. The dominant species at both sites was Phaenoglyphis xanthochroa (FÖRSTER) (Charipidae: Alloxistinae). In the literature available so far there are no data on secondary parasitoids incidence on maize crop in autumn.