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Granice geokompleksów w różnych typach krajobrazu w okolicach Pińczowa


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Boundaries of geocomplexes in different types of landscape in the region of Pinczow

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The following conclusions have been reached as a result of the study: 1. The differentiation of types of geocomplex boundaries reflects the landscape diversity of the researched area. Even though rather small, three different groups of boundaries were identified in the area, corresponding to three different landscape types. 2. Delimiting geocomplex boundaries should be preceded by a detailed analysis of the characteristics of the researched area. The dissimilarity of the valley landscape suggests that a separate method for distinguishing geocomplexes should be elaborated for this landscape type; it would take into account small differentiation of the area with regard to relief and a significant influence of water conditions on the functioning of landscape. 3. As a rule, the analysed features (density, tortuosity, contrast, unequivocality) do not manifest any interrelationships. The only observable relationship is the fact that the strongly contrasting boundaries are also unequivocal. 4. The highest density of boundaries was found in the loess landscape, characterised by most diverse relief. 5. In all the analysed landscape types, boundaries are characterised by a similar degree of tortuosity. It was found out that the highest tortuosity of boundaries characterised the loess landscape. In the author's opinion, this is due to a marked diversity of relief in the loess landscape. 6. In the three types, the most frequent type of boundaries in terms of contrast are low-contrast boundaries. The highest share of high-contrast boundaries characterises the valley landscape; they are boundaries separating water bodies from land). 7. The highest degree of unequivocality characterises the boundaries of geocomplexes in the loess landscape, which is due to the occurrence of many diverse, distinct landforms.

Słowa kluczowe






Opis fizyczny





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