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2006 | 28 | 1 |

Tytuł artykułu

Stress state indices in a staff of control rooms in a nuclear power station


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Aim: To assess stress following the excretion rates of stress hormones in the Staff of control rooms in a nuclear power station (NPS). Methods: The study comprises 38 male engineers from control rooms of NPS, divided in three groups as follows: 8 leading engineers, 16 reactor and 14 turbine operators, as well as a control group of 21 male operators from a thermoelectric power station. The excretion rates of stress hormones 11-oxycorticosteroides (11-OCS), adrenaline and noradrenaline were followed during the day shift (08:00-16:00) using spectrofluorimetric methods. The psychosocial factors were followed and timing was carried. Results: High excretion rates of 11-OCS, adrenaline and noradrenaline were found in leading engineers and reactor operators during the shift, the highest in leading engineers. The reactivity of adrenaline was the most pronounced, followed by 11-OCS and noradrenaline. Conclusion: The neuroendocrine activity indicates high occupational stress in leading engineers and reactor operators. The glucocorticosteroids and catecholamines are reliable indices for stress assessment and can be successfully applied for early health risk assessment.

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Opis fizyczny



  • Department of Work Physiology, Psychology and Ergonomics, National Center of Public Health Protection, Sofia, Bulgaria


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