From July 1986 to August 1991 the junior author collected bats in various localities in Malawi. About 450 of these animals were preserved. In the present study the Megachiroptera are reported. Epomophorinae (Megachiroptera) collected in Malawi by H. Jachmann in 1982 are also reviewed. In addition, a number of specimens in collections in Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe have been examined by the junior author, while data on some other samples from Malawi in various other collections, examined earlier by the senior author, have been reconsidered as well. The combined collections contain eight species of Megachiroptera, including Epomophorus cf. labiatus, E. gambianus crypturus, a new species of Epomophorus (described herein), E. wahlbergi, Epomops dobsonii, Rousettus aegyptiacus leachii, R. lanosus, and Eidolon helvum. For the new species, an IUCN Red List category is proposed.