Celem pracy była prezentacja i praktyczne wykorzystanie metod analizy i oceny obiektów badawczych w oparciu o nieparametryczne (metoda Data Envelopment Analysis) i parametryczne (ekonometryczne modele produkcji) metody estymacji. Badania przeprowadzono w 20 wybranych ośrodkach hodowlanych należących do Agencji Nieruchomości Rolnych - Oddział Terenowy w Warszawie (spółki hodowlane o powierzchni użytków rolnych powyżej 2251 ha).
The DEA method (Data Envelopment Analysis) based on mathematical programming technique was used in the study to find relative efficiency measure of the organizational units. This method is applied in the situation where the comparison of the multiple inputs and outputs of the particular units is difficult and incomprehensible. This study presents theoretical basis and empirical results using of method DEA and econometric models of function of production for classification of the agricultural farms. Using input-output models calculated relative efficiency measure of the chosen companies in years 1996-2000. As an efficiency measure assumed in this study the value of the general receipts. The data related to inputs and resources was determined on the basis of the cropland area, the property assets and immediate costs. The solution of these models, except of an efficiency measure, had also provide set of targets for an inefficient farms, allowing to gain corresponding efficiency measure for particular units.