Background: Achievements in sports shooting are associated with the level of attention and agitation control, which improve to a significant extent the effectiveness of shooters in sports competition. The purpose of this study was to analyse changes in the level of attention and activation in sports shooters after neurofeedback-EEG training. Material and methods: The study included students of the Military University of Technology (27 subjects). The Vienna Test System was used: a test for assessing attention (COG) and a test for assessing the functional activation (FLIM). The measurements were carried out before and after 20 neurofeedback-EEG training sessions oriented towards strengthening the beta frequency (12-22 Hz). To reduce any non-specific effects, investigators were informed not to motivate the subjects. All sessions consisted of 10 rounds. Results: The differences between the first and the second measurement show that the shooters included in the study improved their abilities in terms of the attention level. The subjects performed the task more quickly and accurately during the second measurement. No significant changes were observed in terms of the arousal level. Conclusions: Neurofeedback-EEG training improved the level of attention in shooters but it had no effect on the optimal arousal level in shooters.