Avocado is one of the most commonly preferred shades grown tree crop under Coffee ecosystem. In view of that, Peninsula of Nicoya and Cost Rica farmer was rated avocado (Persea americana L. Mill) is a primary shade tree crop under coffee plantation at the level of 66.3 per cent and it ranked as a fourth position after the Inga spp., Guazumala ulmiflora and Cardia alliodoara. Hence, the avocado is a commercially important shade cum fruit yielding tree under coffee ecosystem which has cultivating both in humid tropic as well as subtropical climates of throughout the world. The tree is basically grown as the forest species but later on as a shade growing tree under coffee cultivation because of high nutritional and medicinal values of fruit and it makes for wider diversity. Thereafter it was entered into the other parts of the world from Central America and Mexico. The tree is of multipurpose in nature and also helps to avoid the soil and water erosion by way of its wider spread canopy. Generally, Avocado leafs reduce the beating action of rain drops which in-turn minimize the soil erosion. The soil enrichment by adding the leaf litter continuously is an advantage in the coffee plantations. It yields in the additional economic returns after three to five years of establishment. Hence, the establishment of shade tree under coffee ecosystem will give additional income to the coffee growers, which mainly helps on lean period of coffee cultivation.