Działanie na współczesnym rynku wymaga nieustannego konkurowania z innymi firmami o klientów. Wymusza to na firmie konieczność optymalizowania działań we wszystkich sferach, a szczególnie w logistyce zaopatrzenia, produkcji i dystrybucji. O sukcesie firmy na rynku decyduje dobra jakość jej produktów oraz atrakcyjna cena.
In order to gain quality and price advantage on the competitive market of agribusiness product there is a need to perfect chain of product flow (materials and raw products, crude resources and semi-finished and final - consumption products). In order to do this the market of those products must be perfected as well as functioning of logistic system and enlarging discipline of market players. In the Polish agribusiness there are too many entities what makes it difficult to specialise in certain production kind, taking advantage of the economies of scale and connected lowering of production costs and improvement of quality of products.