Odkryto stanowisko piskorza Misgurnus fossilis (Linnaeus, 1758) w rezerwacie przyrody „Beka” w dorzeczu Redy. W 2007 roku w Redzie i Kanale Bezimiennym złowiono łącznie 7 osobników o długości całkowitej od 19,2 do 23,6 cm. Jest to najbardziej wysunięte na północ w kraju pierwsze odnotowanie tego gatunku w dorzeczu przymorskiej rzeki położonej między Wisłą a Odrą. Przedyskutowano sposoby ochrony siedliska pod kątem zachowania w nim piskorzy
The occurrence of weatherfish Misgurnus fossilis in the Reda River drainage basin was discovered in 2007. A total of 7 specimens of the total length ranging from 19.2 to 23.6 cm at the age of 5+ and older were caught both in the Reda River and the Bezimienny Canal in the “Beka” nature reserve, the Natura 2000 site (PLH 220032). This new weatherfish site is under the influence of the brackish water of Puck Bay. It is the most northern first reported locality of this species in the catchment area of the river placed between the Oder and Vistula rivers systems. Conservation of the weatherfish in the “Beka” nature reserve should prevent an extinction of this population. All actions detrimental to the weatherfish, such as removing the sediments and connecting the Beka Canal with the Puck Bay (salinity: 6–7 PSU), which was done in 2011, should be limited. The occurrence of the weatherfish in the neighbouring canals, situated outside the nature reserve, ought to be checked. If the fish is present there, connection of canals should be taken into consideration