The aim of the study was to determine the level and reasons of income differentiation of farms located in Minsk County. The survey was conducted in 25 randomly selected farms specialized in dairy production. The study presents basic information about the volume of production, costs incurred, earned agricultural income, obtained support from the EU and non-farm income. The average level of net final production depended on the area of the farm. The highest level of production was characterized by farms with an area of over 15 hectares. The analysis of the results of study indicates that the highest non-farm income was obtained in farms with the largest area of arable land. Estimated value of correlation coefficient revealed meaningful and positive relations between the farm income and net final production, LU/100 ha, direct costs, indirect costs, obtained EU funds as well as the area of arable land the slightest.
Celem badań było określenie wielkości i przyczyn zróżnicowania dochodowego gospodarstw rolnych położonych na terenie powiatu mińskiego. Badania ankietowe przeprowadzono w 25 losowo wybranych gospodarstwach specjalizujących się w produkcji bydła mlecznego. W pracy przedstawiono podstawowe informacje o wielkości produkcji, ponoszonych kosztach, osiąganych dochodach rolniczych, uzyskiwanym wsparciu z UE oraz dochodach spoza gospodarstwa.