Przedstawiono stanowisko Komisji Europejskiej na forum Światowej Organizacji Handlu w sprawie negocjacji rolnych oraz propozycje dotyczące dalszej liberalizacji międzynarodowego handlu artykułami rolnymi. Wskazano na kwestie sporne negocjacji rolnych rysujące się między UE oraz państwami zrzeszonymi w Grupie Cairns.
The finalization of IV the WTO Ministerial Conference, hold in Doha, the capital of Quatar in November 2001 made possible to start formally with the new Round of WTO Negotiation. The basic aims of the negotiations are: the improvement of access to agricultural markets, the reductions, with the perspective of total eliminations, the all forms of export subsidies, the significant reduction of internal market support, which disturb trade functioning. Within the frame of works on rules concessions preparing, the Member States presented the negotiation propositions. The European Commission in its approach has support the liberalization of agriculture commodities trade, based on righteous basis and included the assumptions of sustainable development of rural areas. The negotiation activities of European Union will tend to guarantee the widest, free and not limited by other mechanisms access of developing countries to the market agricultural commodities. European Commission do not approve the elimination of all forms of the internal support, what stay in contradiction to the post of the Cairns Group. The both sides have declared, as integral part of agricultural negotiation, the special and different treatment of developing countries.