The article discusses the efficiency of production of timber and sawn products. The study was based on sawing data obtained from medium-size sawmills processing hardwood. The data covers a full calendar year. The article presents the results of sales of edged and unedged sawn products made from oak-wood of WC0 and WD classes. Round wood for processing was acquired from the ‘State Forests’ National Forest Holding. The indicators of the efficiency of production of timber and sawn products for sale on the domestic market were verified and compared. The research showed that the average efficiency of production of unedged timber was higher than the efficiency of production of edged assortments. The indicators were verified on wet assortments produced by means of the single wood-sawing technology (sharp-edged).
Regional Directorate of State Forests in Katowice, sw. Huberta 43/45, Katowice, Poland
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10. PN-EN 1309-1:2002 Drewno okrągłe i tarcica - Metoda oznaczania wymiarów - Część 1: Tarcica.