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Częstość występowania wyroślosprawców na liściach jesionu wyniosłego Fraxinus excelsior L. na wybranych stanowiskach w południowej Polsce

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The occurrence frequency of gall-makers on the leaves of common ash Fraxinus excelsior L. in the selected localities in southern Poland

Języki publikacji



During 2008-2009 the analytical studies were conducted on the species composition of galls occurring on the leaves of Fraxinus excelsior L. in localities: the Ojców National Park and the Przedborski Protected Landscape. A total of 3788 galls, including 1897 in 2008, were found. The galls represented 5 maker-species: Phyllocoptes epiphyllus (Nal.) (Acarina, Eriophyidae), Psyllopsis fraxini L., Prociphilus fraxini (Fabr.) (Homoptera, Psyllidae), Dasineura fraxinea (Kief.) and Dasineura fraxini (Bremi) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae). The species composition of galls was similar in two localities. Psyllopsis fraxini was the most abundant species. The index of occurrence frequency and the Agrell's index of species co-occurrence have been calculated. It was shown that the strongest bond existed between Dasineura fraxinea and Psyllopsis fraxini in both localities.






Opis fizyczny



  • Katedra Entomologii Leśnej, Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie, al.29 Listopada 46, 31-425 Kraków


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