Analizowano czynniki wpływające na poziom produkcji i jakość mleka w Polsce. Wskazano na potrzebę wprowadzenia w szerokim zakresie nowego systemu skupu i odbioru mleka w oparciu o nową normę na mleko surowe. Uzasadniano celowość utworzenia niezależnych laboratoriów kontrolno-pomiarowych do oceny stanu technicznego techniki udojowej w oparciu o uczelnie rolnicze. Tego typu laboratoria mogą w sposób obiektywny spełniać służbę doradczą wobec rolników także w odniesieniu do celowości i zakresu inwestycji technicznej w oborze.
Unfavourable structure of dairy farms, small livestock and low milk yield from a cow bring about high labour consumption and little susceptibility to employment of profitable mechanization of feeding, milking and preliminary processing of milk. High disintegration of production is one of main restraints in all actions aiming at improvement of production conditions and in particular hinders a proper estimation of milk usability, professional consulting, optimum choice of milking technique and application of modern forms of purchase and account, which is of major importance to improvement of milk quality. In the face of anticipated tendency to further declining number of cows it is necessary to increase their milk productivity, which should be done by: - redevelopment of the stock basis consisting in establishing licensed farms, closely related with dairies, - introduction of a new system of milk collection that would change the mode of remuneration, at the same time considering the contents of protein, fat, fatless dry matter and somatic cells as well as hygienic quality of milk. Besides, it is necessary to accept a new standard for raw milk. Practical realization of higher quality requirements will be possible after independent laboratories controlling the quality of milk are established in the region of a given dairy. To control the technical condition of milking machines diagnostic laboratories should be established at agricultural universities, which would represent the interests of both the milk producers and the dairies.