Our study focused on the assessment of the effects of environmental lead exposure on brain electrical activity. Electrophysiological procedures were conducted on 92 children with Pb level of 5.9 + 3.8 μg/dL (min.=2.3 μg/dL, max.=23.0 μg/dL). The study was performed on a blind basis, and consisted of blood lead level measurements, standard EEG examinations, brain electric activity mapping, and psychological tests. Results of electrophysiological assessment were correlated with the blood lead concentration (PbB). Elevated PbB significantly correlated with: abnormal EEGs (R=0.419; p<0.001), border-line results, IQ measurement results and difficulties in learning. In conclusion, psychological tests and electrophysiological methods were effective in the assessment of environmental exposure of children to lead.